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Department of Computer Science

Krantiguru Shyamji Krishna Verma Kachchh University

Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications

Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications
Course Name
CCCS101 Computer Fundamental and  PC Software
CCCS102 Computer Programming Using C
CCCS103 Practical Based on  CCCS101
CCCS104 Practical Based on  CCCS102 and Elective Courses
CECS101 Multimedia Application Development
CECS102 System Analysis and Design
CECS103 Desktop Publishing
CECS104 Personality Development and Soft Skills
CCCS205 Windows Programming using VB.NET
CCCS206 Database Management System
CCCS207 Practical Based on  PG CCCS205
CCCS208 Practical Based on  PG CCCS206 and Elective Courses
CECS205 Internet and Web Programming
CECS206 Cyber Security
CECS208 Data Communication and Computer Network